Big Data Federation
PredictionValley focuses on a company's fundamentals and a short-term trading strategy. Other fundamental analysis approaches take a long-term view in analyzing the market. However, there are multiple company and systematic risks and uncertainties associated with long-term investing which impact share price. Other short-term trading approaches are usually based on technical analysis which uses price and volume patterns to indicate future share price behavior. However, as technical analysis reflects what has already occurred in the market it is not predictive of future events. By employing a short-term trading approach based on fundamentals around earnings PredictionValley avoids the limitations of both longer- and short-term investment risks. As a financial technology firm, our success is based on uncovering patterns and precise drivers of share price and earnings performance with the aid of machine learning algorithms, big data, and fundamental analysis to isolate and process vast numbers of unique and untapped data at speed. Our proprietary artificial intelligence systems are continuously learning to deliver greater precision. PredictionValley is shifting the quality of investment decision-making from guesses, opinions and biases to a quantitative framework.
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