Cigar Leisure
Cigar Leisure serves Cigar Enthusiasts as a no-nonsense value oriented Veteran Run Online Cigar Retailer. Quality Cigars and Accessories at low prices, with expert handling and free shipping throughout the contiguous United States (excludes Alaska and Hawaii). Let's face it, all cigars from cigar retailers, whether online or your local tobacconist come from master distributors. The difference is that most vendors buy in bulk & store their cigars in various size warehouses, some are climate controlled while others utilize smaller local public rental storage facilities in which proper humidification is questionable at best. Alternatively, Cigar Leisure stores no cigars! When we receive your order a copy is delivered to the same master distributor who pulls the item from their 100,000 square foot state of the art humidor & shipping facility housing over 50,000 million cigars & 1,700 brands & shipped directly to you within hours of your order guaranteeing you the freshest cigars available, bar none! In other words, You receive Your cigars immediately at the same quality as a tobacconist would, without a middleman handling your product. Large online retail websites as well as "brick & mortar" retailers maintain larger office, storage facilities, storefronts & larger staffs & therefore have significantly greater overhead cost to deliver their products to you. While we still have top-notch expert knowledge and background our setup is otherwise very efficient, and thus we pass the savings on to you. Your Cigar Leisure online shopping experience brings You, the Wholesaler, the PayPal Cashier and Shipping conveniently, expediently, and seamlessly together, to get you the best cigars, at the best prices available. Cigar leisure is equally proud of its business relationships with multiple humidor & cigar accessory sources enabling us to offer you a one-stop source from the basic, small affordable everyday casual humidors under $50.00 to the top of the line models from Adorini, Dunhill, Daniel Marshall & more. We sell only quality merchandise and frequently and carefully review and quality check the products we sell. This is one reason we are able to offer frequent giveaways, which have made our site a popular cigar shopper visiting spot. Cigar Leisure is managed by a small group of retired military veterans and cigar trade experts that meets at the "19th. hole" on a daily basis. They are insiders who know every aspect of the cigar business and primarily processes your order & provides customer assistance when needed. Our "Mean & Lean" posture keeps our overhead low while giving you, our valued patron, true one-on-one attention & unrivaled customer service.
About Cigar Leisure
2009Estimated Revenue
United StatesCigar Leisure
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