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A2D Project

A2D Project

A2D Project undertakes the following: (1) action, evaluative and policy research; (2) designs, implements and monitors development intervention projects/programs; and (3) establishes networking and promotes policy advocacy. Given the increasingly urgent demands of climate change in countries considered highly vulnerable and at risk of disasters such as the Philippines, A2D Project pursues the following priority areas, broadly outlined as follows: Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation; Social protection and humanitarian aid; Gender, environment, and sustainable development. Since its inception in 2010, the organization has developed core competency in action research and development intervention projects covering disaster risk reduction, social protection and sustainable development. Aside from this, we also provide services including: Project design, implementation and monitoring; Action, evaluative and policy research; Trainings and capacity development; ICT for Development and Geographic Information Systems; Surveys and data management; and Technical assistance in project development. At present, the organization is working on a three-year project, funded by Caritas Switzerland and the JTI Foundation, which aims to enhance disaster resilience in coastal communities in Central Philippines as a strategy to prevent human trafficking following a disaster. It is also currently implementing a project funded by UNICEF to promote child-centered DRRM in the Municipalities of Bantayan and Daan Bantayan, Cebu in the aftermath of Haiyan. Moreover, A2D Project conducted post-Haiyan relief operations with its partners in northern Cebu serving about 14,000 families. As part of the services the organization offers, it continues to provide technical assistance to its CSO/NGO and LGU partners.

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About A2D Project












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