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Its time to solidify your firms position as a premier firm in your area. A Premier Law Firm Needs A Premier Web Presence. Its time for your firm to cement its place among the best in the area. Online marketing offers promise, but its either time consuming, or its expensive, or both. Well, we try to hit a sweet spot by offering tools that save you and your associates precious time, and the ability to market your firm like a 5-figure per month agency without breaing the bank. Its not just a great website, its about putting systems in place so that you can attract new business while spending more precious hours billing for actual work. We can get your firms marketing on the right track in just a couple of weeks. Well set up your site and get your team on board with the systems necessary to ensure that your firm continues to grow. That site youve had for years, the one you cant even update anymore because of how old it is? Well it just doesnt cut it anymore. Well get you set up with a modern site that looks great on every device, and thats built to stay ahead of the curve as marketing gets more complex. This isnt some nephew or cousin building out a basic WordPress site. This is taking years of dedicated knoweledge in how to market law firms and applying it directly to your business and continuing to do so as the landscape changes. Blogging isnt new, it isnt revolutionary. It isnt even that hard. But its just hard enough that its near impossible for most firms to do it consistently. Our blogging system is designed to take all of the friction out of the process so that everyone in the firm is comfortable contributing. Blogging is like an investment, and its power compounds as long as you can remain consistent. We make it easy. What Makes AmazeLaw A Unique Service? Its about the tools that allow you and your team to multiply your efforts, spend less time on marketing, and more time billing clients. Dont have time to be constantly tweeting, or logging into a Facebook page? Of course, you dont, youre trying to build ...

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