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AIDS Prevention Initiative Nigeria

AIDS Prevention Initiative Nigeria

It is very heartening to see APIN, the organization that started as a small project of the Harvard School of Public Health, focused on prevention and PMTCT only, evolve into a leading public health organization in Nigeria. Throughout our evolution, from APIN to APIN Plus to AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria and now APIN Public Health Initiatives, we have been guided by our mission "providing cutting edge, innovative & sustainable approaches to address diseases of public health importance through effective program management, service delivery, capacity building, research, strategic information & advocacy in partnership with other stakeholders". Our strategic alliances, partnerships, technical assistance approach and service delivery models have prioritized building sustainable systems that our partners can run without donor support, whether they be government agencies, civil society organizations or hospitals. As one of the pioneer non-governmental organizations and a key stakeholder in the national HIV response, we have built infrastructural and organizational capacity that allows us understand the changing public health landscape in Nigeria and rapidly tailor interventions to meet the requirements of the different constituencies and actors. Now, in our 17th year of operations, we are excited to look beyond the HIV/AIDS sphere in line with our vision of being the lead public health NGO in Nigeria and Africa committed to reduced disease burden and impact mitigation. We are ready and well positioned to contribute meaningfully to other areas of public health importance in Nigeria and beyond, by leveraging on our team of highly diversified public health professionals, clinicians, organizational development experts and robust management systems. APIN is also registered with the National Planning Commission as an International NGO with diplomatic status. The organization operates a three-tier Corporate governance structure consisting the Board of Trustees, Board of Directors and the Executive Management Team.

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About AIDS Prevention Initiative Nigeria







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