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Nibe Marketing

Nibe Marketing

At Nibe we are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your personal data. Kindly be informed that by providing us with your personal information, you signify that you consent to us processing such personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please read the following Privacy Policy carefully before making use of the Site. We will never collect sensitive information (as defined in the Maltese Data Protection Act) about you without your explicit consent. We do not obtain any personal data (as defined in the Maltese Data Protection Act), that is, information that identifies you as an individual other than that which you choose to provide (such as the data you provide when registering with our website). We only collect information that we believe to be relevant to conduct our business, for marketing purposes and/or to monitor the improvement of our products. Any such personal data will be collected, used and kept by us strictly for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy and the Site in strict adherence to any and/or applicable Data Protection laws in Malta. At times we may request that you voluntarily supply us with personal information, such as your email address and postal address, for purposes such as corresponding with us, registering at a site, making a purchase, or participating in an online survey or competition. All reasonable efforts are made to keep the customer information we hold up-to-date. You can check the information that we hold about you by contacting our Customer Services department (Tel: (+356) 21472271). If you find any inaccuracies we will delete or correct them. We may also collect and store copies of all receipts of payment from our customers (including our customers' digital signatures relating to the same). We may collect and use personal data to send direct marketing material on our products, promotions and offers that may be of interest to you, to provide you with information that you request, to respond to feedback that you submit to the Site, to allow you to participate in any of our online surveys and competitions and generally to be able to correspond with you after we receive a request from you. However, we do not send unsolicited mail, messages or junk mail. Customers have a right to request not to receive direct marketing material by writing to us at the address above. We may use technology to track the patterns of behaviour of visitors to our Site. This can include using a "cookie" which would be stored on your browser. The storing of information or gaining of access to information stored in the terminal equipment used by you shall only take place with your prior consent. In any case, you can usually modify your browser to prevent this happening. The information collected in this way can be used to identify you unless you modify your browser settings. Should you wish to browse anonymously please contact us and request a link that we can send you to exclude you from web tracking. We do not transfer any personal data that we process about you to any third party in Malta or outside the European Union unless you consent to such transfer, or such transfer is necessary in order to provide you with services that you may request, or we are otherwise obliged or authorised to make such transfers by or under any law. You will be aware however that data sent via the Internet may be transmitted across international borders even where sender and receiver of information are located in the same country. Consequently, data relating to you may be transmitted via a country having a lower level of data protection than that existing in your country of residence. We may share personal information with companies within the European Union who provide services such as information processing, extending credit, fulfilling customer orders, delivering products to you, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing your interest in our products and services, and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale we may transfer any and all personal information we collect to the relevant third party. Without prejudice to anything contained in this Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to disclose personal data relating to you to any third party if such disclosures are necessary inter alia for the following purposes: (1) for the purpose of preventing, detecting or suppressing fraud; (2) to protect and defend our rights and property or that of users of our Web site; (3) to protect against abuse, misuse or unauthorised use of our Web site; (4) to protect the personal safety or property of users of our Web site (e.g. if you provide false or deceptive information about yourself or attempt to pose as someone else, we shall disclose any information we may have about you in our possession so as to assist any type of investigation into your actions); (5) for any purpose that may be necessary for the performance of any agreement you may have entered into with us; or (6) as may be allowed or required by or under any law. Relevant data will be disclosed or shared as appropriate with our employees and with affiliated companies, associates, agents and other third parties if pertinent to any of the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy. We may make certain personal information available to strategic partners that work with us to provide products and services, or that help us market to our customers. Personal information will only be shared by us to provide or improve our products, services and advertising; it will not be shared with third parties for their marketing purposes. The personal information which we hold (and/or transfer to our affiliates/partners as the case may be) will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and the law. We use reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of all personal data that we process relating to you and regularly review and enhance our technical, physical and managerial procedures so as to ensure that your personal data is protected from: -unauthorised access -improper use or disclosure -unauthorised modification -unlawful destruction or accidental loss To this end we have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control. All our employees and data processors, who have access to and are associated with the processing of personal data, are further obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data. By its very nature, the Internet is not a secure medium and data sent via this medium can potentially be subject to unauthorised acts by third parties. We cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of any information passing over our Web site. We shall accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the security of your data while in transit through the Internet.

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