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Ardmore Group Companies

Ardmore Group Companies

The Ardmore Group is committed to working in a way that protects the environment and the health, safety and welfare of its employees and others affected by its activities. As a minimum we will comply with legislation and strive to progressively improve performance. We give equal regard to environment, health and safety as to production, quality and cost. We will act as good neighbours, protect the environment, and provide employment that develops the potential of each employee. We will promote equally the duties of management and employees in regard to personal responsibility. All employees and those working on our projects have a duty to co-operate with supervisors and managers, to maintain safety provisions, to take care of their own and others health and safety, to be free of the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst at work, and to report any concerns or unsafe conditions. The company is committed to: Co-operating with all parties to the construction and rail maintenance processes Providing a healthy and safe environment Identifying hazards and assessing risks Providing safe systems of work Providing information, training and instruction Consulting with the workforce Providing competent supervision Providing personal protective equipment Providing adequate welfare facilities Random alcohol and drug testing The responsibility for monitoring and reviewing this policy rests with the health, safety and environment director. However, all directors, managers and supervisors must recognise the need and accept the responsibility for the health and safety at work of people under their control. Directors are responsible for making adequate physical and organisational resources available. Managers must devise and implement safe systems of work, and supervisors ensure that workers are briefed and consulted on the risks and comply with method statements. Managers are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the policy is brought to the notice of all employees in respect of sites, workshops and offices. The company has appointed health, safety and environment advisers, whose job is to provide monitoring, advice, training and instruction on all environment, health, safety and welfare matters. They will carry out site, railway, workshop and office audits and inspections and bring to the attention of management any deficiency observed, and stop any operation where the company's employees or other persons are at risk.

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About Ardmore Group Companies



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