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ATREVIA has celebrated a new edition of its People Forum under the title People Experience. A colloquium on the new challenges of the companies to conquer and mobilize people in an environment of constant changeattended by experts in Internal Communication and HR. To reflect on this, the speakers were Óscar Hermoso, director of Personas UN España of Mahou San Miguel and Alberto Baltanás, director of Internal Communication of the Santander Group. Óscar Hermoso detailed the strategy of Mahou San Miguel based on three fundamental aspects: coherence, long-term and focus on people. "People are at the center of our strategy at all levels. It is what explains that a few years ago we placed the consumer as the central axis of our market decisions and that everything we did was for and for him. It is an approach that we also maintain in our approach towards professionals, since we want to give them enough prominence and show that thanks to each and every one of them, we are what we are, "he assured. Alberto Baltanás, stressed that in an environment of great challenges for banking (reputation, regulation and digital renewal), Santander undertook a process of cultural transformation 4 years ago, after the appointment of Ana Botín as president. "The bank defined a mission, a vision and a new way of doing things in a simple, personal and fair way, centered on people and with courageous values from which new behaviors emanate." Both agreed on the importance of involving leaders in the processes of change, who, according to Hermoso, must stand out for their "exemplary and transparent". Society and employees demand new ways of working, "put the focus on the how and not so much on what" warned Baltanás. Finally, both spoke of the challenges in managing cultural and generational diversitywithin organizations. For the director of People UN Spain Mahou San Miguel, it is important not to distinguish and implement an inclusive strategy with all generations, "understand that we have to live together. For this, the company has implemented several monitoring and monitoring plans that facilitate the interaction between the different profiles and the transfer of knowledge so that "this valuable capital stays inside the house". Alberto Baltanás agreed on the importance of exchanging experiences and good practices to promote diversity. "When we established our new values, we wanted them to be shared by all Group employees in the world but at the same time allow a more local landing, which can be executed based on the cultural characteristics of the country," he said.

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