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Air University

Air University

With six batches graduated in Electrical Engineering and five in Mechatronics Engineering, these 'products' of the Faculty have found their place in society either as professionals serving industry or as the budding academics of tomorrow being trained in institutions at home and abroad. Yet, the Faculty of Engineering is in its infancy undergoing the usual problems, crises and challenges that have shaped educational institutions in this stage. Faculty development and academic enrichment is an ongoing activity. In engineering, the focus is on four areas viz electronics, telecommunications, power, and mechatronics, while an undergraduate programme in mechanical engineering is in its third year in the university under the supervision of the Institute of Avionics and Aeronautics also located in the same premises. Our faculty is qualified, experienced and fully in tune with the directions of the university. The hardware in laboratories is also adequate to support a skill level to complement knowledge from the classroom lectures. We thus have a fully operational engineering programme at undergraduate and graduate levels. These programmes are accredited by the Pakistan Engineering Council. This year, the university's linkages with national centers namely the National Institute of Vacuum Science and Technology (NINVAST) and the National Center of Physics (NCP) will strengthen the projects undertaken by faculty and students. Many of our graduates have proceeded for higher education abroad as well as within Pakistan. They are performing well as the university has done its best to provide a solid foundation, and they have utilized their time to their own advantage. The new students to the Faculty of engineering are assured of a quality education and full experimental support for their studies. the environment at Air University is conducive for a student to prepare themselves properly for a promising future in a professional career. with focused and dedicated approach, and consistent hard-work, a student is bound to find time spent here well rewarded. Copyright © Air University . All right reserved.

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