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American University of Nigeria

American University of Nigeria

The American University of Nigeria (AUN) was established in 2004 in Yola. Yola is located in rural northeastern Nigeria in Adamawa, one of the three northeastern states under emergency rule since May 2013 due to the threat of Boko Haram. AUN is Africa's first "Development University. Its research, programs, and teaching are geared toward developing sustainable solutions to development problems in the region, one of the poorest and least educated in the world. For a full description of AUN's development programs, see our Development Brochure. Led by an American President, Dr. Margee Ensign, AUN is the only American-style university in Sub-Saharan Africa. The American University of Nigeria educates a total of 1,500 children and youth each year in its Early Learning Center, primary and secondary school and undergraduate and graduate programs. In 2013, nearly 20% of AUN's own funds were used to provide full scholarships to students in need. While most students are Nigerian, AUN also hosts students from South Africa, Rwanda, Uganda, Cameroon, and Ghana. The 150 members of AUN's faculty come from 35 countries. Because there is no reliable electricity supply, AUN generates its own power and is able to provide 24-hour Internet service on its residential campus. AUN is also home to the largest e-library in Africa. A technologically intensive Google university, AUN uses digital resources in all of its educational programs, both in classes for all AUN students and in community outreach projects.

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