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Bashkir State University

Bashkir State University

In 1992 the Faculty of Economics gained an independent status and started training specialists in majors 160100 Economic Theory, and 060200 Economics and Sociology of Labour. Currently the Faculty trains students in the majors of Economic Theory 060100, Finances and Credit 060400, National Economy 060700, Organisation Management 061100, Labour Economics 060200, Mathematical Forecasting Methods in Economics 061800. The Faculty is licensed to train students in majors 060500 Accounting, Analysis and Auditing, 351000 Anti-Crisis Management, 351200 Tax and Taxation. Over a short period of time the Faculty of Economics has turned into one of the largest Bashkir State University Faculties - it ranks 2nd in the number of students (more than 1,600). The main task of the Faculty of Economics is to train highly qualified multifunctional specialists - economists for state administration bodies, state enterprises, banks, consulting firms, commercial credit companies, universities, scientific production associations, scientific, designing and planning organizations, etc. Alongside traditional forms the Faculty tries to find ways of effective use of study time, intensifying the educational process and more quality preparation of specialists: new education technologies are implemented in the educational process including computer-based ones (business, imitation and role-playing games are used that involve application of special software); in 1998 a group was organized in which certain disciplines are studied in English; there is a practice of defending diploma projects in a foreign language; the course in Higher Mathematics is being updated taking into account the need for mathematisation of economic disciplines being studied. Students of the Faculty of Economics have mastered the Delta business game initiated by the Nixdorf Foundation in Germany within the framework of the Program for Supporting and Implementing Information Technologies in Russian universities. The Faculty aims to teach students how to work efficiently in various information systems and make the best of the possibilities provided by the Internet. The Faculty employs about 80 teachers and scientific workers, including 9 Doctors of Sciences - Professors, 32 Candidates of Sciences - Associate Professors, 2 Members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 1 Acting Member of the Russian Federation Academy of Social Sciences, 1 Member of the Russian Federation Academy of Humanities. The Faculty lays special emphasis on training teaching staff. There are postgraduate courses. At present there are 38 full-time and 11 extramural postgraduates. 16 alumni of the Faculty currently work at the Faculty, 6 of them being Candidates of Economics. Combination of theoretical and applied training, active application of computer-based education technologies enable the graduates to adapt well to radical changes in the Russian Federation market economy. The Faculty has trained 3,671 specialists, including 2,603 on the full-time basis, who are well-employed in various economic branches. Majors

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