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Big Blu Mafia Island Gallery

Big Blu Mafia Island Gallery

At Big Blu Mafia Island Dive Centre, we are 100% commited to ocean conservation! We run regular beach clean up and Project AWARE Dive Against Debris events, which you are able to participate in and help to do your bit if you like! We also have Project AWARE specialty courses for those who want to learn more about what's going on in the ocean world and how they can help and show their support. For every student that we teach, Big Blu makes a donation towards Project AWARE (, which is a charity that supports ocean conservation efforts all over the World. We encourage our students to do the same and, for their donation, they will not only feel proud about supporting ocean conservation, but they will also receive a special Project AWARE certification card when they complete their course with us! We also work in conjunction with Mafia Island Marine Park to run a patrol boat everyday, ensuring that our area remains a sustainable area for both local people and tourism. You can find more about our ocean conservation efforts on our Project AWARE My Ocean profile: and on our news section. So, come and dive with the people who care about the longevity of our ocean and are trying to protect it for future generations!

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About Big Blu Mafia Island Gallery

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