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BioLogos Foundation

BioLogos Foundation

BioLogos provides virtual and actual meeting places where the best Christian minds in the sciences, theology, biblical studies, philosophy, and other fields meet on these topics of mutual interest for the good of the church. With a commitment to spirited and gracious dialogue and a confidence in the ultimate harmony between science and faith, we aim to help the church develop a worldview that embraces both of these complex but complementary ways of understanding the world and our place in it. The BioLogos Website has become a trusted source of excellent and accessible resources on contemporary issues at the science/faith interface. The many sections of the website under the BioLogos banner provide a wealth of articles, essays, videos, and other resources that staff and others closely associated with the organization affirm as consistent with our core beliefs about what has been revealed in God's Word and His world. In addition, our daily blog, the BioLogos Forum, provides still more material to foster a serious and comprehensive discussion of Christian faith and the sciences. The articles and videos under the Forum banner feature voices that at times deeply disagree with one another on various aspects of biblical scholarship and theology. This is intentional: Christianity has long embraced a diversity of views on matters that are not essential for salvation, and charitable engagement of different perspectives helps sharpen our thinking and deepen our commitment to the truth that is hidden in Christ. In addition to fostering dialogue online, we also host and facilitate in-person Conversations at our conferences, workshops, and other events. Pastors, scholars, scientists, and laypeople each have unique perspectives on the interaction of science and faith, and benefit not only from the exchange of ideas but from fellowship with others who are committed to Christ and to the investigation of God's creation. Through our Evolution and Christian Faith grants program, we partner with scholars, church leaders, and parachurch organizations to promote Christian Scholarship that addresses the theological and philosophical concerns commonly voiced about evolutionary creation. With our support, the grantees are producing books, articles, videos, educational materials, and websites as well as hosting workshops and giving lectures that explore the consonance of Christian faith and modern evolutionary science. Finally, Education is critical to our mission as we seek to equip rising generations to bear witness to God's creativity and sovereignty in both culture and the natural world. Therefore, we provide professional development opportunities for Christian middle school and high school science teachers, will be creating biology curriculum supplements for use in Christian high schools, and seek to foster discussion and fellowship around these topics within university communities, as well.

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