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Life Alert

Life Alert

Life Alert ® is a Personal Emergency Response and Home Medical Alert System company that saves lives from catastrophic outcomes, using a unique technology to provide superior home audio monitoring protection. Founded in 1987, Life Alert ® provides its service to members nationwide. The company employs over 600 people, all in the United States. The company's service solves a major home security issue. Life Alert's protection helps people to live at home with independence and comfort, living their lives the way they want to, with a feeling of safety and peace of mind. Life Alert ® handles over two million calls a year, and on average saves at least one life from a potential catastrophic* outcome every 10 minutes (over 52,200 in 2015). In Life Alert's Monitoring Center, the size of its emergency staff per member is 200% greater than a traditional security company. Thanks to a greater sense of security, a 2004 ACNielsen study showed that 87% of Life Alert ® members stated that Life Alert's protection is a main or important factor in their decision to keep on living alone at home. For safety, security and emergency protection, Life Alert ® is the choice for all ages.

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