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The Bible Society of India

The Bible Society of India

THE BIBLE SOCIETY OF INDIA serves all Indian Churches and Christians in translating, publishing the Bible in their own languages and distributing it among their constituencies aiming at transformation of the WORLD through the WORD. The objective of the Bible Society of India is to make the Bible available to anyone who wants it in languages they can understand and at prices they can afford. In order to cater to the needs of the large number of illiterates, non-readers and neo literates we provide the Word of God in audio and video forms. We have also pioneered the development of a wide range of new Scriptures for different audiences like the visually challenged, terminally ill, victims of HIV, semi-literate and rural audience, hearing impaired etc. The Bible Society of India operates within the territory of India and is the largest and one of the oldest of the 146 National Bible Societies under the United Bible Societies. Besides the Central Office in Bangalore, we have 15 Auxiliaries, 1 Translations Centre at Shillong and 1 Sales Depot at Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The General Secretary is the Chief Executive of the Bible Society of India. Under him there are Directors heading various departments and staff teams who work with them. The Central Council of the Bible Society of India which comprises of representatives from various Church denominations from all over the country is the decision making body. An Executive Committee constituted from this body and headed by the President and assisted by the Vice Presidents and Treasurers governs the affairs of the Society. Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko Ph.D(Lond.) is the present General Secretary and the Office Bearers for this Triennium (2013-2016) are: President: The Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose First Vice President: The Rt.

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About The Bible Society of India















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