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Campesinos Sin Fronteras

Campesinos Sin Fronteras

Campesinos Sin Fronteras (CSF) began in 1999 as a non-profit organization dedicated to educating members of the low-income, migrant, agriculture community in Yuma County to prevent chronic disease, injury, and illness associated with farm work. Over the past decade, other social needs continued to emerge within the larger population. These health and social disparities were not only related to migrant workers but others vulnerable groups in the community. These hard-working individuals often go to work seven days a week, yet are still unable to escape the grips of poverty despite joint family efforts and often lack the knowledge and resources to meet their basic needs. The 2010 US Census, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other government sources show that individuals who suffer from social and health disparities are at higher risks of poverty, chronic disease, education, and health literacy issues. CSF creates programs to counter these problems, reducing their health and social vulnerability risk and the associated cost to taxpayers. Our programs provide individuals and families a hand-up, offering an escape from the cycle of poverty and illness. Self-sufficiency and a healthy community is our goal. CSF Executive Director is a pioneer of the Promotora Model (Community Lay Health Worker) in Arizona. This model recruits from the community, trains them and employs them to help themselves and their community. She has more than 25 years of direct experience in Promotora development programs and has recently reached a formal partnership between CSF and Arizona Western College (AWC), to implement a Promotora Certification Academic Program which is now offered with credit value towards obtaining an associate's degree, and a pathway to higher education. Current programs include: Farmworkers' Health and Wellness Women's Health and Wellness/Folic Acid Seniors Health and Wellness Diabetes Education, Management and Control Chronic Diseases Prevention and Self-Help Support Groups Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment DUI Education and Treatment Substance Abuse Prevention Foreclosure Prevention Counseling and Education Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Teen Pregnancy Prevention/Education Parenting Education Active Latinos Emergency Response Team (ALERT) Community Advocacy, Leadership and Capacity Building All programs are free to participants, with the goal of allowing individuals to create a better community through education, information and advocacy. CSF has demonstrated financial responsibility and evidence-based business practices, yet; funding cuts continue to limit our ability to deliver these vital services. All programs have shown remarkable improvement in the quality of life for those who have participated in our programs. CSF is now at risk of reducing services due to loss of donor support and grant funding. In spite of our largely volunteer staff, operational cost now exceeds what our budget is able to support. In 2012, CSF served approximately 12,300 citizens of Yuma County. CSF, a 501(C) 3 organization welcomes you for an agency tour to see our programs in action. CSF publicly acknowledges all donors through local media outlets, demonstrating how support from our local businesses allows community members to better themselves and our community. Thank you for your support.

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About Campesinos Sin Fronteras



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