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Clever Leverage

Clever Leverage

Wondering how in the heck this blog got started, who I am, and how I got here? (ya me too some days! ) Let me take you back to early February 2015 I was a web developer, earned a good living, but slowly started to realize I wasnt going to be happy later in life, if I kept perusing the same road I was on. Sure, Id make more money by continuing to take on bigger and bigger clients each year, but I quickly found myself between a rock and a hard place every new corporate client I worked with. it was like, yeah the money is great, but it also feels like I added a new boos each time I took a new account too. Know the feeling? (pay is good, but the guy is an asshole to work with?) Anyhow, the whole idea of being self employed started to go out the window, as these corporate cogs in a wheel had me jumping through more hoops than I care to count each month, and I was starting to resent the whole damn thing. One day I realized I was going to have to shift gears if I wanted a different life. I was 33 at the time, and I knew I wouldnt be happy by 40 or 50 if I kept trading my sanity for dollars like that. I began researching ways to start something else on the side, but not completely start over. I knew there had to be a way to do something that would allow me to satisfy my desire to connect and help people, make a lot of money, yet still be flexible enough to interject some of my passions every now and then. What I was really after, was my ideal lifestyle even though I didnt know it at the time. I didnt even know what a lifestyle business was at the time, but later I would find out its one of the most lucrative tax advantaged businesses on the planet its just no is talking about them, because everyone wants life balance and never wants to bring work home from the office. Well, when you do what you love, it isnt work; and you stop caring if its in the other room or not. Plus, old Uncle Sam rewards you to the moon and back, by letting you keep a whole shitload more or your money! And who doesnt like free money right?! So ...

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