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The Compass Church

The Compass Church

We know and believe that Regina is an amazing city, but a very needy city. We know that a little bit of light can go a long way. As the Compass Church we desire to be that light. That being said we don't have a lot of "stuff" - no building or established programs and very little money. But we have Jesus! We have some awesome people and we live in a City that is vibrating for a Christ centred, Gospel focused community. The Compass is a missional Gospel-Centered church. We are a church that lives and breathes the mission of God (See FAQ for more on this). Our goal is not to convert people to the church or to religion. Our goal is to see people turn to Jesus through the gospel. As we learn to live in light of that gospel, Jesus' mission is the natural overflow renewing us internally (in us) so that it might bring renewal externally (through us) so that we can BE THE CHURCH demonstrating this in all areas of life. What's with the Compass? A compass is a simple tool that not only tells us where we are but where we need to go. The Compass exists to help people to see where they are at in life and where they need to be directed to, to enjoy a purposeful and amazing Jesus centered life. A compass always shows true north no matter where you are at in the world. We are a church that will always point you to Jesus no matter where you or we are at. In a world with so many ideas, teachings, 'truths'... how does one find their way? Is there only one truth? Is there really only one God? "The Compass" is a place you can go to find answers to these questions without being ashamed or embarrased to ask tough questions.

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About The Compass Church









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