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College Place , WA

College Place , WA

College Place Public Schools offers comprehensive special education services to eligible students in grades preschool through tenth.Students above 20th grade receive services from Walla Walla Public Schools.Screenings for children from birth to age three are provided by College Place Public Schools.Birth to three evaluations and services are provided by Walla Walla Public School and other appropriate local agencies.All special education referrals are considered confidential, and services are provided at no cost. he parent, legal guardian, or surrogate parent retains the right to refuse services and are provided other procedural safeguards under Federal and State Law. Public school services include screening in areas of suspected disabilities, such as vision, hearing, motor skills, speech, language, and general development.Evaluations in the schools are provided for all areas of suspected disabilities, including learning disabilities, speech and language development, physical impairments, vision or hearing problems, mental retardation, emotional disturbances, autism/pervasive developmental disorders, health impairments, or traumatic brain injuries. A free, appropriate, public education with a full continuum of services is available. or more information concerning eligibility criteria and referral procedures contact the Principal or Counselor of your local school, or call the College Place Public Schools Special Education Office at (509) 529-5207. If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are staying to attend a screening. lso visit the school district website to learn more and review information about Special Education.Special Education brochures are available at the school offices.

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About College Place , WA





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