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CQuest is a unique not-for-profit consulting firm with a focus on connecting people to services through the smart use of technology and user-friendly systems. Our purpose is to improve the health and social welfare of people in need and to reinvest back into the communities we serve. The strengths of CQuest include our IT expertise and experience in public health and human services, our familiarity with government regulations related to data management such as HIPAA and Section 508 web standards, and most importantly, our ability to understand and meet our customers' needs. CQuest's distinctive place in the field of government health and human services technology is due primarily to the following company characteristics: Not-for-Profit Status - Our highly successful private not-for-profit/public sector partnership model has been showcased by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Unlike large private for-profit corporations, CQuest is not driven by the profit expectations of shareholders. Rather, we reinvest "profits" to improve health services and overall infrastructure in underserved communities. Knowledge of Government Business - Our extensive experience with numerous governmental agencies at the local, state, and federal levels gives us keen insight into how to create and implement the right IT solutions for customers facing complex and ever-changing policy, fiscal, and political realities. Connection to the Community - Our board of directors, senior management, and staff represent hundreds of years of experience working directly with low income, medically underserved individuals, families, and communities. Through our sister organization, the Illinois Primary Health Care Association (IPHCA), CQuest maintains close ties with community-based health centers across the state and the millions of people who seek care at these centers. Learn more about CQuest through the following links:

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About CQuest



Estimated Revenue






Information Technology And Services







United States

Tech Stack (32)
