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CRESCENTEK is committed towards building and fostering strong, strategic and mutually beneficial global partnership. Irrespective of whether you are interested in reselling and supporting CRESCENTEK solutions or looking for a technology alliance with a top ranking website promotion company, we have the right program to suit your style of working. However, here are a few of the opening through which you can achieve your goal and earn handsome profit without spending heavily on the project. Promoting our products and services through your website because it is the best and cheapest method of doing so. You may spend a substantial amount of your hard earned on advertisements, direct mailing and giving one-liners in local TV channels, too but nothing can match promoting our product and services through the internet via your website. And the best part of it is that you will be having local as well as global customers at one go. Promoting our product and services through advertisement in local newspapers will ensure that the ad will be viewed by people in your target market. Internet advertising, though globally effective, becomes harder to target locally because of its very nature. Moreover, hearing about a product or services on a TV commercial leaves a fleeting image of the issue which people tend to forget soon. On the other hand, a newspaper ad cut out will remain as it is for much longer periods and can be used whenever needed. Promoting our product and services through word of the mouth because this method of marketing has been with us since time immemorial. Long before the Internet was born or social media marketing came into being, word of the mouth marketing acted as a mobile sort of advertisement that travelled far and wide. Moreover, it has always been relied upon by the masses. You can manipulate a video, create colorful ads, but alas, they all suffer from one common cadence known as incredibility. But in a spoken conversation, the credibility factor reigns supreme since it encourages interaction, and in any interactive exposition, the truth always comes up, no matter how much you may try to hide it. Promoting our products and services by getting social in local platforms - When a local business contemplates promoting products or services, radio and print media naturally comes to mind as normal options. While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with this concept, it may also be worthwhile to consider marketing on social media. However, here is a big snag. Most local businesses don't actually believe that social media can do much for them and are, therefore, sticking to conventional marketing systems, which, incidentally, seems quite good for them. Over and above those offered to affiliates, CRESCENTEK offers many attractive incentives to individuals or companies that join the 'Partner Program' organized by it.

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