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Dampfbahn Furka Bergstrecke

Dampfbahn Furka Bergstrecke

They fulfil different functions but have the common aim to ensure the survival of the Furka Steam Train at long term and to preserve the historical heritage of national, even European importance for future generations. In 2008 the cooperation between VFB, DFBLtd. und SFB was fixed again by contract. The Association Furka Mountain line (VFB) is with its broad base in Switzerland and abroad the backbone of our activities on the Furka. The approximately 8000 members support us with membership fees, donations and their labour. Every year, lots of volunteers are working thousands of hours at the DFB, under the lead of experts of the DFB). An important part of the annual membership fees is used by the DFB Ltd. to cover the operation costs of the railway. The association promotes and supports so the realisation of projects, the maintenance of the line as well as the operation and contributes significantly to the preservation of the unique railway line. The Steam Railway Furka Mountain line (DFB Ltd.) is the holder of the federal concession and therefore responsible for strategy, construction, marketing and operation of the railway. It is the owner of all installations, transport modes and arrangements. It operates the line Realp-Gletsch-Oberwald with the specially trained volunteers according the published time-table (nota bene without regular state sponsoring). It allows for thousands of passengers to enjoy the unique landscape and the enthusiasm of the staff. Furthermore the DFB makes a significant effort for the revalorisation and the development of the Urseren valley /Goms tourist region. That's why the DFB collaborates closely with local and regional authorities, tourist organisations and other transport companies. The Foundation Furka Mountain line (SFB) was created by the DFB Ltd. as the sole benefactor and is mainly involved in the collection of financial funds. It is looking for sponsors, collects donations and finances so the investments of the DFB Ltd. This allows realizing major expansion projects for the infrastructure and the rolling stock. The foundation has a charity character and is so exempt from taxes, which increases the attractiveness to donors. XXXXXX 21.12.2019

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About Dampfbahn Furka Bergstrecke



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