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Divine Wisdom International school

Divine Wisdom International school

Divine Wisdom International School is established to train children to their highest potentials in our society, to the glory of God - by consecrated teachers, high academic standards, unique Christian instruction and a genuine Christian environment. The philosophy of Christian education begins with the truth that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, Who is the source of all truth. The Bible is viewed as the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God and becomes the basis of all beliefs and the integrating foundation upon which Christian education is established. Christian education then, must view all of life through a biblical perspective. Because Jesus Christ is "the way, the truth, and the life," all Christian education centres on Jesus Christ. Through Him, man finds truth as related to every subject area. "There is none other name, under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved," and therefore, "Jesus Christ is come that man might have life more abundantly". This philosophy channels our energies to promote high academic standards while helping the students to achieve skills in creative and critical thinking using the integrated curriculum available. The objective of our instructional programme is to enable the students to pursue the post-secondary education of his/her choice, whether in college, university or in vocational training areas. Our responsibility to the students encompasses the spiritual, mental, intellectual, physical, social and emotional areas. These are inseparable and run through the insistent thread of the spiritual. Therefore, it must be our aim to shun the tendency to teach the Bible compartmentally or on the intellectual level alone--the scarlet thread must be woven throughout the total curriculum. It is apparent then, that the types of activities we employ or permit in the classroom or school programme will either facilitate or militate against our basic philosophy. The spiritual must permeate ...

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About Divine Wisdom International school

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