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Engul is a company specializing in design, manufacturing, and servicing of equipment for power generation and heat production based on internal combustion engines. By means of its personnel it has age-old experience in production of machines driven by combustion engines for continuous as well as emergency power supply. Predominant activities of Engul are tailor-made solutions for: combined heat and power systems (cogeneration) combination of cogeneration with production of cold (trigeneration) highly efficient embedded power generation power generation from waste heat peak shaving power generation heat exchanger blocks for cogeneration and heating systems sophisticated emergency back-up systems machines of special purpose driven by combustion engines Having great experience in natural gas and diesel oil, and especially in various biogas applications, Engul adopted as its legend to be a specialist in systems fuelled by renewable energy sources. In addition to traditional fossil fuels (diesel oil, natural gas) it develops its activities in applications operating on alternative fuels (propane, wellhead gas, coal mine gas), recycled fuels (made from plastics, used vegetable oil) up to fuels based on renewable energy sources (biodiesel, biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, biomass gas, etc). Although main stream of its activities are tailor-made design, production, testing, commissioning, and servicing of combined heat and power systems and generating sets, Engul provides also services connected with successful planning, implementation, and operation of its products. The services are provided before sales - promotional, and after sales - operating.

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