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eSputnik is a Marketing Automation Service made to embody the toughest ideas of enterprise level solutions in very clear and efficient way for everyone. We do not declare being the best, we are mostly spoken about this way. We understand common marketers needs and do our best to help them: burst your campaign effectivness with Lean Approach that we follow too don't waste your time on daily routine, be creative marketer, we'll take care of repetitive duties create 100% automated campaigns without programmers from IT Department easily bind all messaging marketing in one multi-channel system: email, SMS, app-push, web-push, instant messengers and more eSputnik used to be a successful startup in Dnipro, Ukraine and worked preferably for the local guys from Ukraine, Belarus, RF and Eastern Europe. But it's about time for us to widen the boards and make new friends. What we created eSputnik for? Having worked in e-marketing for years we faced some difficulties with existed tool kits. Either you get perfectly created messages service, or detailed segmentation programs or some other systems to count analytics. Being caught in this situation we have found lots of companies working with such obstacles either. Let it say about grandees companies - they have preferences to hire lots of specialists creating beautiful templates and professionally handling with wide range of e-marketing tools. but what about smaller businesses with limited stuff and expenses? We decided to merge our software development background and e-marketing experience to make deep and clear tool for everyone. In our service we want to save your time on technical aspect like creating your templates to let you work out the correct marketing campaigns and customer oriented strategy.

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Tech Stack (100)


Programming Languages And Frameworks

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Computer Networks


Content Management System

Web Hosting Providers

Web Servers