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Evan Terry Associates

Evan Terry Associates

Evan Terry Associates, LLC is a firm dedicated to providing our clients with highly professional architectural services. Our reputation, built over the last 60 years, is one of excellent service, quality design and commitment to our client's interest. Our goal of providing this high quality service is achieved with a staff of 20 including 8 registered architects, 1 intern architect, 1 registered landscape architect, and 2 access compliance specialists. Our design philosophy, based on a client-oriented approach, is to create solutions which exhibit the functional and aesthetic concerns and wishes of the owner. These solutions are developed to answer specific client needs and with close client involvement throughout the process. A professional attitude, attention to detail, maintaining schedules and budgets are all priorities at Evan Terry Associates. While our firm has a variety of project types to our credit, we have concentrated on some selected specialties and developed an expertise in healthcare, education, recreation and sports facilities. Our capabilities include programming, feasibility studies, land planning, architectural services, space planning, energy conservation studies, and ADA facilities compliance consulting and surveying. We work with outside consultants for the engineering and specialized consulting disciplines that are appropriate to each particular project. It is our belief that the individual needs of each client can best be met through a team approach. To this end, projects are organized so that more than one Evan Terry Associates' professional is involved in every project. The Project Architect follows the day to day activities of the project as the job progresses. Other team members are assigned depending on the requirements of the project and may include a Project Designer, Landscape Architect, and ADA Specialist. The creativity and expertise of these individuals are combined to provide the client with multiple sources of information and accessibility during the project. Our firm is committed to the "Universal Design" concept for facilities accessibility. Our architectural projects are designed to ensure access to buildings and facilities for all people, including those with disabilities. Our extensive research into the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has resulted in our writing ten books on access compliance and Universal Design and training thousands of other architects, building owners and facility managers in the facilities requirements of this law. In working with the ADA, we have also become very familiar with many state, local, and federal accessibility standards including, in particular, California's Title 24, the Texas Accessibility Standards, the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, the Georgia Accessibility Code for Buildings and Facilities, the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), and the new ADA/ABA Accessibility Guidelines. We have created the most comprehensive database system in the country for identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, and managing the removal of barriers to people with disabilities as defined by Titles II and/or III of the ADA and various state standards. We also offer plan reviews, training, expert witness and product consulting on a regular basis to large corporations, federal, state, and local government clients. Our work with the ADA has gained for the firm a nationwide reputation as one of the leaders in the field of accessible design. EVAN TERRY ASSOCIATES, LLC has recently developed and launched the Comprehensive Online Resource for the Americans with Disabilities Act, or CORADA, for the purpose of helping people to identify, understand, and meet their obligations under the ADA and other access requirements. Corada offers a massive online database that connects ADA requirements and official technical assistance materials developed by the Department of Justice, the Department of Transportation, and the Access Board, to other relevant information such as products, how-to videos, expert opinions, design ideas, possible solutions, training opportunities, and upcoming events. Corada also hosts "Voices," an interactive place for occasional and regular users to discuss, share, collaborate and learn about accessibility.

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About Evan Terry Associates



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Funding / Mkt. Cap




Architecture & Planning







United States

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