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ExperShare offers a unique approach to training in the core disciplines, which emphasizes the pragmatics of requirements traceability through the lifecycle. In keeping with our philosophy of "learning by doing", we have developed a set of courses that closely simulate a real world software development experience, while learning how to apply best practice concepts like use case-driven requirements analysis, object-oriented approaches, UML, design patterns, architectural frameworks, etc. Our courses are built upon a common case study that logically builds through the course modules - all the way through early requirements definition, through analysis and design, and ending with examples of working code. The courses are modular, and designed such that they can be delivered as standalone courses, or taken in sequence either "back to back" or scheduled over a period of time. The common underlying case study provides a context throughout all of the courses, providing a rich learning experience spanning the full software development lifecycle. ExperShare instructors are experienced practitioners in their respective disciplines, and bring a unique perspective to training engagements. We teach in a qualitatively different way than a "professional instructor", given that we are bringing decades of applied experience behind concepts delivered in a classroom setting. We draw many practical examples and stories from our own project experience when working on particular topics, framing the discussion in very practical and real terms. We have found this to be a very effective method of teaching, as well as providing a fun and engaging learning experience for the class participants. For more detailed descriptions of these course offerings, please download a syllabus . ExperShare training classes include: Object Oriented and UML Fundamentals (half day or one day formats) Requirements Management Fundamentals (one day ) Object-Oriented Analysis (one day) Object-Oriented Design (two day) Object-Oriented Design using Spring (two day) Object-Oriented Design using SOA (two day)

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