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Farm To People is an online farm stand for buying food directly from small, sustainable farmers and craft producers around the U.S. We also offer a smorgasbord of recipes, farm profiles and food system exposees to satisfy your craving to reclaim our food system. Although there are many options for consumers to buy "sustainable" food, too often there is little transparency in where this food is coming from, how it's produced, and who actually profits from the sales. It has become harder to trust words like "natural" or "cage-free" on food packaging in a day and age when large corporations have bought-out and consolidated companies like Burt's Bees (under Clorox), Kashi (General Mills), and Tom's of Maine (Colgate). What's more, the traditional supermarket food chain expends a hidden, yet absolutely excessive, carbon footprint. No longer is the most ecologically or socially conscious choice so obvious. For us, food is not a semantic game for profit-hungry corporations. Food is about community, nutrition, creativity, and nourishing the land that nourishes us. We want transparency back in the food system; we want the links between food, health, environment, and people to be strengthened and prioritized. By providing a farm stand online, we hope eaters can simplify their search for environmentally and socially sustainable food--and give more of their food dollars straight to the farmer at the same time. While we encourage eaters to purvey their local farmers markets, opt in to a Community-Supported Agriculture share, or buy from cooperatively run grocers, we also recognize that not everyone has access to, or time for, these purchasing options. To encourage a diverse agricultural system, we need a diversity of avenues for small farmers to reach consumers. Farm To People increases the capacity of the good food movement by providing a space for the online community to eat well and support a progressive food chain.

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New York


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