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Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute

Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute

Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute

FERHRI's responsibility zone covers Primorskiy, Khabarovskiy, Sakhalinskiy, Kuril Islands, Kamchatkskiy, Chukotskiy, Kolymskiy, Amurskiy, Irkutskiy, Buriytskiy and Chitinskiy regions, Republic of Sakha, and the Far Eastern seas (the Sea of Japan/East, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea). Mainly, FERHRI's research and applied activities confine to research and development in the field of hydrometeorology and oceanography and related areas, environmental monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment and other corresponding scientific and technical works. FERHRI's research directions are formulated in its confirmed by Roshydromet charter. They are, as follows: scientific researches for the purpose of providing national economy with hydrometeorological data; comprehensive studies (including marine expeditions) of the hydrometeorological processes in the Russian Far East, Pacific and Indian oceans and Far Eastern seas, sea mouths of rivers; the study of hydrometeorological regime, agrometeorological conditions, environmental pollution and elemental hydrometeorological phenomena in the defined areas, as well as methodical management of the mentioned activities; development, improvement and introduction of meteorological, sea and river hydrometeorological and agrometeorological methods of forecasts and calculations; development and introduction of automated techniques for realization of methods of making forecasts and calculations and obtaining hydrometeorological data and transferring it to the consumers; engineering hydrometeorological, oceanographic and ecological investigations; calculation of Maximum Permissible Discharges (MPD) and Emissions (MPE) and comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); creation of specialized regional hydrometeorological databases and relevant software; activities under ROSHYDROMET's agreements on the international collaboration in the field of hydrometeorology; provision of enterprises and organizations with specialized forecasts on hydrometeorology and the state of environmental pollution; collection, accumulation, registration, systematization and storage of oceanographic data on the Far Eastern seas basing on the Far Eastern Regional Oceanographic Data Center; presentation to the legislative and executive organs in accordance with established procedure of the normative and reference materials resulting from theoretical, experimental and expeditionary researches. Licensing to do business in Russia

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About Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute









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