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Rockwell Razors

Rockwell Razors

We aimed to raise $12,000 in 26 days. In 24 hours, we sailed past our goal. In 72 hours, we'd raised over $30,000. That was 300% of our goal in one tenth of the time! And as of now, nearly 1000 backers have pledged close to $60,000, and according to we're on track to raise $250,000 before our Kickstarter campaign ends in October! As a result of your unbelievable enthusiasm, our story was picked up by just about everyone, from CTV to Yahoo Finance, all the way to the World News Network. We cannot wait for all of you to get your hands on The Rockwell 6S Razor and for you all to find your perfect shave. On Friday, we spoke with the folks over at our American production facility, and they told us that they've already started the first manufacturing run of the Rockwell 6S Razor. Be excited, friends - the best shave of your life is well on its way! It absolutely thrills us that you guys have the same excitement for our product as we do. We're deeply humbled by the responses we've been getting from all over the world and have greatly appreciated all the positive, constructive feedback. We here at Rockwell believe that with your help, we can shake up the shaving industry and give the people what they really want: a life-long high-quality razor with affordable replacement blades for a personalized shave. Together we can throw down the gauntlet in the shaving industry, get Gillette on the hook, and RAZE THE BAR! Let your friends and family know about our growing Kickstarter campaign by posting about us on social media, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @RockwellRazors.

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About Rockwell Razors



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