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Theres a realization that every entrepreneur knows, but doesnt want to admit Everyone wants to believe that there product, SaaS or widget is special and that people would get it We want to believe if its fun, or different people would consume it We wanted to believe if we made our product truly world-class, it would not fail And its not their fault. (Its not yours, either.) Youre being fed a terrible lie that if you just add a few more features, or get one #influencer to like your product all of your sales troubles and money troubles will be solved Or worse maybe you&s;re bouncing from one guru or marketing hacker to the next, looking for that one key thats going to unlock massive hockey stick like growth. How many hours has your development team, product designers, and leadership spent trying to optimize your application in the hopes that your just a few more product releases away from being on the cover of Inc.? How many times have you read Zero to One, or The Lean Start-Up, only to spend most of your time on product and little to know time on sales or marketing? Do you have pages of notes do you have collecting digital dust and havent been looked at since the day you took them? How many appointments over this past month have you generated that were your ideal prospect, and one that could actually pay you for your work, not just partner? And most importantly, how much focus have they taken away from your day-to-day business leaving you spinning your wheels and going nowhere fast? After years spent in this industry, weve realized theres really only two types of businesses that get results. First, is the revolutionary technology. Think Facebook, Amazon, Uber, Google, or Twitter. These products didnt need to be sold in the beginning. They solved a giant unmet, unknown need in the economy and were handsomely rewarded for it. This is not your product. You are not that founder. Second, is the company that has a spark, theres something there, but you dont know what to do next. Maybe youve grown, maybe youve even ...

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