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Imedia8 will not start work on any project until cleared funds have been received into our account for the first "commissioning" invoice. This will typically be 20%, 33% or 50% of total agreed sum but will be agreed separately with each client in writing (email) Our standard terms are "on receipt" - credit is not available unless by explicit written agreement by Imedia8 Late payment will result in projects being delayed. Where a specific start or delivery date has been agreed this will be based on the agreed payment schedule being met by the client. For example if a client is a day late with a payment we reserve the right to deliver any stage of the project at least one day later than agreed. It may be the case that one day delay in payment could result in a longer delay by the Imedia8 in delivering agreed work. Imedia8 will not be held liable for any impact such delay in delivery may have on the client. Where there is an agreement for on-going support, website hosting or video streaming, a delay in payment or non-payment of the agreed amount may result in the suspension of all services to the client and not be limited to the project where payment is late. Where email accounts are provided free of charge with a hosting package no technical support will be available. To qualify for office hours technical support a client must pay the relevant upgrade fee and have agreed separately a support package. Except where explicitly agreed otherwise the client will supply all imagery, text and graphics to form the content of a site. The client will be responsible for ensuring that all content supplied is copyright free and able to be used for the purpose intended. The client will indemnify Imedia8 against any issues that may arise from copyright infringement. Imedia8 agrees to delivery schedules based on receiving timely feedback from the client when opinions on designs are needed or questions need to be answered. Delays in replying to such feedback requests can impact the delivery of a project and Imedia8 will not be liable for any delays where client feedback is not forthcoming within 3 working days of asking for information by email. The sole responsibility for testing the functions and features of a website or mobile application project lies with the client. Where possible imedia8 will carry out its own internal tests on the features and functions to check that they work in the agreed manner however this will not replace the need for the client to carry out their own testing program. Clients should not rely on imedia8's testing to find and fix issues, bugs or problems. Where an agreement has been made to transfer ownership of IP rights to a client this shall not come in to force until all due monies have been paid in full on the agreed dates. Until full andtimely payment has been made Imedia8 retains ownership of all IP. Imedia8 uses the latest technologies and programming to develop its websites and therefore some older versions of popular browsers may not work properly. In particular modern websites will not work well with Internet Explorer 7 and its predecessors. It is worth noting that IE 7 was released in 2006! Imedia8 is not responsible for storing securely any content, artwork, video material, etc.. supplied to Imedia8 in the course of carrying out its work. Imedia8 will not keep anything supplied and so the client is advised to have their own copies of such files for future needs. Any print artwork created by the company will not be stored or kept for any period, if a client needs to retain copies for future print runs then they must request them at the time of origination, no files will be retained. Imedia8 retains the Intellectual Property rights on all its work unless explicitly agreed separately to these terms and conditions. All prices quoted to a client will be subject to VAT at the current applicable rate. The basis of all web design and build projects will be the sitemap that will normally be created by Imedia8. This document will list every page that the site will be made up of. It is the responsibility of the client to check that the map contains every detail that they require from a website and advise the company prior to signing-off the map of any changes or additions required. Once the sitemap has been agreed by the client (signed-off) then any future changes or additions at any stage in the project (i.e. the next day the client changes his mind) will be charged for at the applicable rate (from £60 per hour to £250 per hour) . Such changes may also impact any previously agreed delivery schedules. Where Imedia8 is commissioned to work on the design of a website a maximum of 2 new concepts will be created as standard unless agreed otherwise in writing with the client. Where Imedia8 produces design concepts prior to being commissioned by a client all such designs remain the property of Imedia8 and may not be used in whole or part by the client or any 3rd party that has been shown the designs by the client. Imedia8 will not be liable for any penalties for late delivery of project work where all reasonable effort has been made to meet the deadline By agreeing to work with the company clients agree that we are able to check their credit history with suitable agencies. Any agreement with a client will not come into force until Imedia8 is in receipt of an official Purchase Order that has been submitted by an approved person or officer of the company able to authorise such expenditure. Receipt of such a Purchase Order by Imedia8 will be assumed to be from an approved person. In such circumstance where the client requests work to stop on a project either permanently or for at least one calendar month then the client will still owe in full whatever monies had been invoiced at that point regardless of the amount or estimated value of the work actually completed. Where the project is nearing the next invoicing stage based on date or stage in the project then the next instalment will be due in full to Imedia8.

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Computer Software







United States

Tech Stack (50)
