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Inspark, Intelligent Business Solutions has been in Turkey since 1993; established to provide services and application software solutions to the management of companies in Turkey, Europe and Africa. Inspark has been working in Turkey in the Western and Eastern European regions and Africa. We have worked for a number of multinational companies implementing their Financial Solution and advising management. Today after 13 years, Inspark is still operational in those same markets, with clients in Spain, Algeria, Czech Republic, Kosovo, UK and also in Turkey. Inspark works with a team of people who are committed to maintain and develop their company which has the highest of ideals. As we begin to speak about Inspark we have to start with our operation in Turkey. As this is our home base we work in Istanbul with multi nationals, companies who arrive into Turkey and are looking for a company with good local Knowledge, International experience and a history of Success. When we first began our business here in the period 1994/5, Turkey was coming out of a period where business was slow, isolated and protected. It was these years that started the change for Turkey, as a country on the outside of the mainstream of European business interests. In 1998, Inspark began a relationship with Pfizer pharmaceutical to implement their Financial System Software. This was a relationship that started in Turkey and grew to be a relationship with almost 20 separate Pfizer offices around Europe and Africa. The implementation and support of these sites was given primary concern for the office in Istanbul and the long relationship contributed much benefit on both sides. Inspark has supported companies in Eastern Europe and carried out and managed the tests associated with Good Manufacturing Practice, in regards the Pharmaceutical sector; which has to comply with the FDA regulations. Since 2004, Inspark has been joined by Serdar Susuz as a co-director and shareholder in the company. Serdar brought many good things with him, knowledge, commitment, integrity and a strong belief in the future not only of the company but of the people that were in the company. Although the business has seen many periods of economic crisis' Inspark has held firm and continued to support their clients, developing new relationships, looking at technology change but continually looking to provide consistency of service. If we reflect back to when the business started here in 1995, it feels in technology terms, a long time ago. The Internet was growing and Netscape was the number one in the Internet Explorer browser and the Microsoft Browser was still 3 years away! Today in 2006 most of the software is web enabled mainly using the Microsoft Browser and Netscape is no longer around. Oh and where was the mobile telephone?

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About Inspark



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Information Technology

Industry Group

Software & Services










Tech Stack (101)


Devops And Development

Programming Languages And Frameworks

Finance And Accounting

Computer Networks

Product And Design

Platform And Storage

IT Security

Operations Software

IT Management

Productivity And Operations

Content Management System

Email Hosting Providers

Web Hosting Providers

Verified CDN