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Intellectual Products & Technologies

Intellectual Products & Technologies

IPT - Intellectual Products & Technologies is founded in 2003 primarily engaged in IT education, consultancy and software development. Our mission is to provide training & knowledge management in latest information technologies & standarts, engaging participant's creativity and building positive motivation for professional development. The following first IPT Courses were conducted in 2003 ?: Programming in Java Web Design with HTML, CSS & JavaScript Unified Modeling Language (UML™) - Graphical Notation and Applications These courses were well accepted from our clients and are meeting a constant interest until today. IPT is constantly expanding the trainings range, adding new topics to the courses and upgrading them with the latest technological tendencies: Java SE/EE (RMI, JPA, EJB, CDI) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA - SOAP+WSDL, REST+HATEOAS) Rich Web Client Applications & Mashups (HTML 5, JSON, AJAX, jQuery, YUI3, WebSocket) Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Web applications with Java Server Faces (JSF) & Java Portlets (Liferay® Portal Server) Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Open Unified Process (OpenUP) IPT - Intellectual Products & Technologies maitain strong and long partmerships in IT education with bigcorporative clients. Training series about Java EE 6 & Dynamic Web Application Development Novelties with HTML 5 & JavaScript was realized for big telecomunication company. In 2012 IPT conducted series of trainings for advanced Java developers from VMware Bulgaria on topics: Developing and Debugging Multithreaded Applications with Java™ Multithreading in Java™ - Foundations Multithreading in Java™ - Advanced Gamification elements were included in Multithreading in Java trainings. This is a new tendency in IT education for improving participant's motivation. In 2013 ?. were prepared and realized trainings for another big client Software AG Bulgaria - Dynamic Web Application Development with Google Web Toolkit (GWT). In 2012/2013 IPT conducted series of consultations and trainings for software development teams from bulgarian insurance company including topics: Java™ Portlet Development with JSR 286: Portlet 2.0 API & Liferay® - JSP™, Spring MVC, JSF & AJAX Portlets Java™ Enterprise Technologies (Java™ EE 6) - EJB™ 3.1, Web Services, JAX-RS, JAXB, JNDI™, JTA™, JPA 2.0 Java™ Web & Portlet Development with Portlet 2.0 API & Liferay Effective Web Application Development with Java™ Server Faces (JSF™ 2.1) IPT is a leader in developing and conducting trainings in object-oriented modeling with OMG Unified Modeling Language (UML™) & business modeling with Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN 2.0). Many courses for corporative clients are conducted.

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