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IT Exchange

If you represent a company that is interested in providing Services you shall be considered as a "Service Provider". The Evaluation Program has three stages as set forth below. At each stage, we will make a determination, in our sole and absolute discretion, whether you meet the criteria we have established that potential Service Providers must meet in order to progress to the next stage of the Evaluation Program or, at the conclusion of the Evaluation Program, whether you meet the criteria to be enrolled as a Service Provider (the "Service Provider Standards"). - Initial Evaluation: At this stage, we will examine your ("Response") to determine if the information provided is sufficient for us to determine your suitability to move to the next stage of the Evaluation Program. If your Response is not accurate or is not fully responsive to our information requests we may either ask for further information we need for you to satisfy our initial screening criteria or decide not to process your application any further. Detailed Evaluation: Once we have determined that your Response has provided us with sufficient information to satisfy our initial screening criteria, we will notify you that your application has been moved to the Detailed Evaluation stage. During this stage we will request that you provide further information, including but not limited to detailed information on your technology capabilities, recruitment and people retention programs, on-going training, new technology adoption, geographic footprint, commercial and pricing terms and immigration processes. Upon our completion of the Detailed Evaluation, qualified Service Providers will be empaneled on ITeXchange ( Onsite Assessment: This shall be done after the completion of Detailed Evaluation and as needed by ITeXchange, typically prior to engaging with a new Buyer. We will use the Onsite Assessment to verify some or all of the information you provided to us during the earlier two stages of the Evaluation Program as well as to get any additional information we need about your capabilities regarding specific projects that Buyers have informed us about. Onsite assessment will be charged for by ITeXchange as explained in the "Service Provider Agreement". You must provide us with full and accurate information for each information request we make during the Evaluation Program. If you want to ensure that the information you provide to us states exactly what you want it to say, we encourage you to provide it us in writing, even if you originally provided it to us orally. If we visit your offices as part of an Evaluation Program, you will provide our representatives with the appropriate level of access in order for them to complete their part of the evaluation. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the types of access they will require for their evaluation: Access to your delivery facilities to examine the physical and logical security standards that you utilize in delivering services A demonstration of your network capabilities and how you interact with your clients to deliver services from a networking perspective. Access to your project managers and other staff and consultants who will are currently responsible for delivering services similar to those you want to provide through your enrolment on ITeXchange. Access to key members of your management to discuss any queries and findings we may have. Any other matter that we decide is appropriate for the evaluation. Results of Potential Service Provider Evaluation As stated above, following the completion of our Detailed Evaluation, we will notify you whether or not you have qualified to be enrolled as a Service Provider on ITeXchange. If you have not qualified, we will provide a brief report that gives you feedback on the key issues that prevented you from being enrolled. If you qualify to enroll, we inform you of the fact together with your industry and/or domain specific rating. Your ITeXchange rating that was mentioned above will be one of Excellent; Very Good; Good; or Satisfactory for each such industry and/or domain. This rating is very important and will be based on the quality of the information you provide us and our findings during the due diligence process. Hence, it is in your interest that you provide us with high quality information which is true and accurate in all respects. Once you have been enrolled as a Service Provider, we will add you to our list of approved Service Providers for specific industry and technology domains. You will: Nominate one person who will act as the primary contact for all matters that we or a buyer on ITeXchange want to interact with you on. Use the ITeXchange provided template to create your own web page on our web site. You have the option of not creating a web page but we highly recommend you create one. Provide a clear and concise description of your capability for each domain for which you have been selected on your web page. Provide case studies, white papers and/or client testimonials that demonstrate your capabilities with respect each domain for which you have been selected. There are a few matters that you need to pay attention to while providing these materials. The first is that these materials are optional and not compulsory. Secondly, you must have the proper rights to publish everything that you put on ITeXchange. Thirdly and very importantly, you must ensure that everything you publish on your web page is correct and accurate and must confine itself to descriptions of your business and services. Fourthly, you cannot use this web page to say anything about anyone or anything else or to direct the readers to online or offline resources or materials outside ITeXchange. Fifthly, you cannot use the ITeXchange website to denigrate others or to publish any materials that are, in our sole discretion, negative, misleading, slanderous, libelous, rude, impolite, pornographic or otherwise objectionable. We will not take any responsibility for determining whether or not the information you provide is correct and accurate. Further, under no circumstances can you publish any materials on ITeXchange that in any form or manner violate or breach any third party's Intellectual Property rights. This means that if you are including any third party Intellectual Property, you must have the proper permission of that third party to publish such materials. For example, if you are publishing a case study of a project you implemented for a client, please ensure that you have the client's permission to use their name and to describe the work you do for them. If we determine, in our sole discretion, that any materials you publish violate any of our standards, we will remove the materials from all ITeXchange resources without any notice to you. The same will apply if we receive a duly substantiated complaint from a third party. Intellectual property and other proprietary rights ("Intellectual Property") will have the broadest possible meaning for the purpose of the Service Provider Agreement and includes, without limitation, all patent rights; copyrights, moral rights and all other rights associated with works of authorship; trademarks; rights relating to the protection of trade secrets and confidential information; and any right similar to those described here. Be an active participant in all Service Provider related activities on ITeXchange including, without limitation, expressing interest in projects that are posted in your domains; participating in workshops and other events organize by ITeXchange; and contributing information on evolving technology or business trends that will impact the use of information technology by businesses and individuals. Your ITeXchange rating is a dynamic rating. The preliminary rating will be modified based on (i) our continuing evaluation of your capabilities outside of ITeXchange; and (ii) our observations and feedback from buyers on ITeXchange with respect to projects for which you were chosen to deliver through ITeXchange. Since the rating is dynamic, it can go both ways, i.e., you could move upwards from good to very good to excellent or from excellent to very good to good. If the results of an evaluation indicate that you are failing to maintain the Service Provider Standards, we will restrict your ability to bid for projects while we discuss with you the steps you plan to take to improve your capabilities to bring them back to the levels required by the Service Provider Standard. Your plan must include a definitive timeline within which you will achieve the objectives. Once we approve of the plan, we will monitor your progress against the plan's objectives and milestones. Your ability to bid for new projects will be re-instated once the plan objectives are achieved to our reasonable satisfaction in accordance with the agreed timelines. If we determine that you have failed to achieve the plan objectives in accordance with the timelines we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, either extend the time available to you to meet the plan objectives or terminate your enrolment as a Service Provider on ITeXchange.

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