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Quest Software

Quest Software

ITNinja is a rapidly growing community where IT professionals ask questions, research software and other technical topics, and share information and ideas. Founded by Bob Kelly in September of 1999, ITNinja was previously known as As a leading destination for end point administrators to discuss topics related to setup and deployment, ITNinja expands the scope of AppDeploy adding numerous topics while leveraging its rich application and deployment data. Designed to be the largest IT professional collaborative community, ITNinja offers: An ever-growing database of over 200,000 software applications serving as topics of discussion for questions, deployment tips, shared links, and blog posts. An activity feed to highlight your contributions as well as all software, topics, other users, and blogs that you follow to keep you up-to-date on the content you care about most. An engaging user reputation management system that rewards you with points for your contributions and for any site interaction, such as rating content posted by others. This increasing set of powerful features integrates the benefits of social networking with your IT professional life giving you access to product summaries, reviews, downloads, answers to questions, feature articles, and more. ITNinja's tag-based system merges all content sources on the site to provide robust functionality and behavior that makes it easy to navigate and filter the information you need. ITNinja is sponsored by Quest. Although certain product support functions leverage ITNinja, it is a community website and not a product support site, so all are encouraged to participate in this industry trusted IT resource. The hardware or systems management products that you use do not limit the value of the information shared here.

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