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ITTISHAL is the organization that accommodates Islamic schools from various parts of the world that uphold human values universally in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah. ITTISHAL was founded by Al Firdaus Educational Foundation, Assalaam Modern Boarding School (Solo, Indonesia) and Institute Prive Alif (Toulouse, France), supported by Prof. DR. Ing. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, the 3rd President of Republic of Indonesia, in the Board of Trustees. This organization is committed to the unity of the community (ukhuwah Islamiyya), humanism, acceptance of others and respect for human rights of education, especially Islamic Education. One of ITTISHAL's closest agenda is to hold the 1st International Conference on Islamic Education. This conference aimed to explore ideas and solutions to international Islamic education issues, such as: (1) quality improvement of Islamic education management, (2)teaching and learning (3)educational measurement and evaluation, (3) curriculum, (4) education research and development, (5)child protection on education, (6) the role of the family on Islamic education, (7) the real implementation of Islam values in Islamic education,(8) quality improvement for teachers and (9) implementation of Islamic education in some countries around the world. The conference's goal is to gather the educators and organizers of Islamic education as well as all those who are committed to the improvement of Islamic education to join ITTISHAL. ITTISHAL aimed to cooperate in holding education comeptition activities, teacher and student exchange, and other activities that we can create together in the conerence. In this year's conference we are also working with Sebelas Maret University Surakarta Indonesia.

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