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Kaiser International Healthgroup

Kaiser International Healthgroup

Upon notice, Kaiser International HealthGroup, Inc. made the necessary evaluation for the death claim. The company has earned its reputation for financial strength and stability by combining quality products with remarkable dedication to meeting the needs of our client like the late Mrs. Nilda M. Paraguya, she ensured that her family meet major needs if something happens to her. Under the terms of her Kaiser Plan K575, Kaiser International HealthGroup, Inc. immediately paid out a total of Php 575,000 to her principal beneficiary Mr. Miguel Paraguya as full payment for the Insurance Coverage. A simple ceremonies was held at the IMG Office in Salinas Drive in Cebu City last March 1, 2008 witnessed by IMG CEOs Mr. Jose Enrique De Las Penas, Mr. Noel Arandilla and Alijeffty C. Gonzales, President of Kaiser. It may feel like it might be difficult to recover after losing someone you love. To help get through the pain, Kaiser International will be there to support the family members in facing a new chapter of their life for she has entrusted us deliver to her survivors the support she have intended for them. Now, because of the waiver of premium component, her fully paid plan was also transferred to Mr. Miguel Paraguya, who's now benefited from her Kaiser Premium Builder Plan. My family and I just received the cheque last March 1, 2008. Regarding the claim, we did not encounter any problem since the cheque was released on due time. We are very satisfied with the way Kaiser International Healthgroup, Inc. run their business. Also we are very proud to be a plan holder of Kaiser. It was a very smart decision for my late wife, NILDA M. PARAGUYA, to avail Kaiser. We would like to thank Kaiser and also to IMG for being with us when me and my family are in our lowest and most importantly for the prayers.

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