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Ladies Get Paid

Ladies Get Paid

Susan will join Claire Wasserman, founder of Ladies Get Paid, for a conversation on powerful relationship building. LGP has truly transformed my life as I transition careers and I cant stop talking about it. Youve created a great space online and in real life for women to connect and network. I expected to enjoy the talk, but not to the extent that I did. I left feeling empowered and unstoppable. I felt as if I had a room full of strangers that supported and rooted for my success. In the How to Ask for a Raise session I realized I was about to ask for less than I deserved based on how I was hired, not my current output. That session was the difference of a $15,000 raise. I wanted to thank you so much for this platform. I have been on Ladies Get Paid for about 3 weeks and frankly this has been changing my life a little bit every day for the better. I joined LGP because I was desperate for advice, help, &a; solidarity after an unsuccessful salary negotiation. I learned SO much from all of you, and went into my negotiation this time around with confidence and pulled off an $11,000 raise! I walked away better informed, and feeling empowered and incredibly uplifted by all that I learned about and witnessed on Saturday.

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