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Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings was established in 2012 by schoolboy Nadav Ossendryver. As an obsessive Kruger Park visitor Nadav's favourite pastime was asking his parents to flag down passing motorists and asking them what they had seen. Eventually they tired of this hobby and began to say no. Nadav looked to technology to solve his problem. He established Latest Sightings and from there it quite literally exploded! The community is extremely loyal and without question "obsessed" about wildlife and the amazing Kruger Park! Many followers chat with friends daily on the WhatsApp groups, whether they're in the Park or in the office. They share incredible video content through the Latest Sightings YouTube channel and it has quickly become one of the top ten most viewed channels in South Africa. When Nadav is in the Kruger Park, a new holiday favourite is getting the community together on the deck after a day's viewing, to meet, chat and share tales. A great way to end off. Latest Sightings is a great way to meet like minded people and to explore your passion for wildlife. Like our Facebook page or download the app to become part of the fastest growing wildlife group in SA.

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About Latest Sightings



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Leisure, Travel & Tourism



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South Africa

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