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LSM Conseil

LSM Conseil

This junior company is attached to the Catholic University of Louvain and is composed of 50 students who work continuously with passion. Leader in Belgium and renowned in Europe, LSM Conseil strives to combine rigour with excellence, creativity with innovation and added value with customer satisfaction. Junior Enterprises (JE) are non-profit associations with an educational objective. Operating as real companies, they are exclusively managed by students with the support of academic authorities and provide multinationals, SMEs, institutions and individuals with a variety of services in a professional context. Thus, through their career path, as well as through the many workshops and training courses given by their partners, Junior Entrepreneurs develop skills that can not be acquired on the audience benches. The 15 Belgian Junior Enterprises are grouped together in JE Belgium, the Federation of Belgian Junior Enterprises. Its mission is on the one hand to promote the concept of Junior Enterprises, both within universities to encourage the creation of new JEs, and with the media and the political or academic world. On the other hand, JE Belgium supports the JEs by carrying out an annual internal audit, and organising national events, which bring together Junior Entrepreneurs and encourage them to share their knowledge. JE Belgium is the Belgian component of JE Europe, the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises. Bringing together more than 330 JEs and 28,000 students from 15 different countries, JE Europe's mission is to support, develop and promote the JEs movement in Europe. For members, the most visible aspect is the different events organised during the year, such as the Summer JE Meeting, or the JE Spring Conference which takes place in Brussels, where the JEs compete for the JE Excellence Awards for the best JEs of the past year. Elsewhere in the world, Junior Enterprises also exist in Brazil, Canada and North Africa, as well as in the United States and China. LSM Conseil has developed partnerships with several JEs who are among the best in their country, such as JEME Bocconi in Milan or ESCadrille in Toulouse, which was awarded the Best JE of the Year by JE Europe in 2016. Regular contacts promote cooperation on various projects and the exchange of good practices. Our history

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About LSM Conseil



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Management Consulting



Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve Louvain-la-Neuve



