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Luke Coutinho

Luke Coutinho

Luke has been involved in holistic nutrition, coaching and fitness ever since he graduated from IHM with specialization in food science and nutrition. He is currently studying for his doctorate. He believes in lifestyle change and helps coach people to make 'shifts' in their lifestyles to achieve their health goals. Luke currently specializes in cancer and handles cases across the globe. He has been instrumental in helping patients into remission and keeping them there, and using nutrition and holistic lifestyle to reduce and manage the collateral damage of conventional treatments and medication. e is involved in nutrition and micro nutrition for the prevention and healing of cancer and disease and is also involved in pain management. He is involved and works with several doctors and bio-physicians across Mexico, sourcing and developing ' micro - nutrition ' for cancer and disease. ' Micro- nutrition ' has helped so many people when conventional treatments fail to work anymore. t is designed by bio-physicians and Doctors according to the patients CRP and inflammation levels and targets cancer stem cells and immunity re-build. e connects with doctors across Cuba for various cancer vaccines and other alternative and complementary treatments. Luke works with obesity, disease, lifestyle and children across the world. " Fad diets and fad exercise programs don't work. Healthy weight loss is about the right communication and chemistry between cells. It's about hormonal balance. It's about working on your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and intellectual self. It's about making small and inexpensive lifestyle changes and proper elimination of toxins and waste " says Luke. He encourages and helps people steer away from conventional medicine and use natural foods and a change in lifestyle to help alleviate medical conditions. ' I have nothing against the medical world or Doctors. We need all this at times to give the immune system or body the boost it needs, but then, we need to let the human body's intelligence and brilliance take over. I'm against getting people stuck in a ' disease management' model and instead encourage a ' disease resolution' system. If we sell medicine and harsh conventional treatments, we must ensure our experts also sell or insist on lifestyle and behavior change along side of those medicines and treatments. All medicines have side effects. If you have to use it, do so, but insist and educate on lifestyle changes too, to support the side effects, which cause other medical issues. I believe that most people can get off statins, diabetic drugs,blood pressure, thyroid medication and other so called' lifelong medicines' in a safe and planned way when one makes lifestyle changes revolving around nutrition, exercise, sleep and emotional detoxification. He works in conjunction with Doctors in his integrative practice to help wean patients off the same. " When you look at health and disease from a holistic angle you look into every aspect of the patients history, body type, emotional state , lifestyle and environment. hen you look into healing and prevention you go to the smallest detail of looking for deficiencies in vitamins and even trace minerals. For example, in allopathy one drug is designed for one ailment, but in nature, one vitamin or one trace mineral in deficiency can cause multiple issues in the body, hence when you correct that one deficiency , you can correct multiple issues at one point. For example, a deficiency in magnesium can cause or worsen conditions ranging from heart issues, cramps, spasms, bloating, acidity, to epilepsy, migraines, irritability, poor memory, confusion, muscular pains, loss of appetite, fatigue and many more,,,so now you cant have a pill for all of these conditions and thats the main problem with a conventional approach, but reaching a diagnosis that confirms such a deficiency and correcting the same thru food, lifestyle or supplementation with an approach to find out why it got depleted in the first place, makes for a better and more solid healing plan with no side effects " explains Luke, " and thats just an example, there are so many vitamins and minerals that people are deficient in and all they need is to correct that imbalance, and the body works well ", says Luke. He is of the belief that we need a system that works beyond the one that simply brings people into clinics and can actually look at improving overall health. He strongly believes that we are all products of nature and if we align ourselves, that is the way we eat, sleep, think and move with nature, then anything that's a problem, call it arthritis, cancer, diabetes, obesity, slowly fades away. Luke uses a holistic approach in his prevention and healing model for disease and weight loss. You cannot take the mind out of the equation of healing ", says Luke. " Emotions like guilt, anger, un-forgiveness, jealousy, resentment etc, are real and they impact billions of cells in your body, impacting immunity, adding to body fat and inviting disease. Chronic stress and emotional internalization has to be addressed to prevent, heal and have healthy and successful weight loss. It's a mind - body connect and approach 'says Luke. Luke is the founder of Herbs Nutrition Pvt. Ltd. - "Pure Nutrition ". " Pure Nutrition " deals in pure plant based formulations and oils that Luke has used with Doctors and healers worldwide for ailments ranging from cancer, cardiovasculars issues, skin, hair to immunity and weight loss. "Pure Nutrition" is backed by a team of Doctors and Luke clearly advises consumers to speak to the Doctors at " Pure Nutrition " and get a proper diagnosis that's free, and assistance in selecting the right formulation. " You are wasting your money and time if you are going to buy a formulation and not change your lifestyle", says Luke. " These formulations work best when you start making lifestyle changes too", says Luke. He is also the Head nutritionist, Master -coach, co-founder and mastermind behind GOQii's lifestyle and health coaching model.

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About Luke Coutinho



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