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Malta Institute of Taxation

Malta Institute of Taxation

The Malta Institute of Taxation was founded on the 15th March 1995 during a meeting of tax specialists from the public and private sectors. Taking into account the continued development in fiscal legislation, and forseeing Malta's eventual adhesion to the European Union, the founder members felt that the time was opportune for the setting up of an organisation that would have its main purposes as set out above. The Institute requires its members to follow a Code of Conduct and Ethics, including adherence to official regulations on such matters as money laundering. Membership is open to all those whose field of specialisation, whether academic or practical, is taxation in general. The activities of the Institute are mainly educational and academic. Among our activities may be mentioned the public seminars which are held throughout the year. Attendance at these seminars is usually in excess of the total membership of the Institute itself as they address very topical issues. The Institute also offers its own Diploma Course in Taxation. This is a post graduate specialisation course which is much sought after by fully qualified lawyers and accountants, amongst others. Lecturers include some of the leading tax specialists in their field in Malta. The commitment to promulgate education in the sphere of taxation was reinforced through the introduction of a series of foundation courses covering all aspects of local direct and indirect taxation and aimed at providing the building blocks in tax knowledge. The Institute has taken in hand, on behalf of the Revenue Departments, the publication of the decisions delivered by the Court of Appeal in tax cases (Income Tax and VAT). It also publishes its own Guide to the Tax Cases. More significantly, in 2012 the Institute launched in February 2010 the Direct Taxation Manual, the first comprehensive textbook on direct taxation published locally. The manual includes contributions by several leading lawyers and practitioners. In 2012, the Institute started publicly a regular "Update" newsletter that covered legislative developments in the direct and indirect field of taxation and more significantly, gave an important insight in relevant local judicial decisions apart from those imparted from the ECJ. The Institute regularly makes submissions to Government on tax matters and allied issues. Detailed studies have been prepared for this purpose on several tax and allied questions. Discussions are held regularly with the authorities: these are mostly held in conjunction with other organisations interested in taxation through what has informally come to be known as the Direct Tax Advisory Council. It is hoped to make similar arrangements in the near future regarding indirect taxation. The Institute also participates in various other committees, including those connected with money laundering. The Malta Institute of Taxation is given official recognition for purposes of law by its inclusion as a qualifying body in Legal Notices concerning the submission of electronic returns, and the submission of Opinions in connection with the reduction of penalties. Although obviously tax oriented, the Institute feels obliged, in virtue of its position in the social and economic fabric of Malta, to participate in national issues, such as the drive for membership of the European Union and the reform of pensions. On the international stage, the Malta Institute of Taxation is a full member of the Confederation Fiscale Europeenne, where it joins representatives of organisations from various other European countries. As Malta's sole representative, the Institute casts Malta's vote in this important forum.

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