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Make My House

Make My House

We are an architectural firm based in Indore,India. Our principal architects respectively have Eight years of experience in the field. Our office infrastructure and team includes architects, interior designers, architectural draughtsman, computer 3D modeling experts and consultants for structural engineering and building services design. 27. What information will we need to share with you at the time of starting design? Our questionnaire contains a list of information required. Some of the more important information is: the size of the plot, the size of the house required, information on family members, the no of floors required, and information on the plot such as photos and drawings of the plot and information about the structures on the neighbouring plots. 28. If I ask for a large house, do I get a concession in price? We have a standard table of pricing which is very reasonable in terms of the design work and deliverables which we will provide to you. 29. Can we ask for changes to the design at the time of construction for any reason? Yes you can ask us to make some changes, but these will be charged as per the man-hours spent on the revisions. 30. Is there a possibility of us getting some sketch designs of the house done before we sign a design contract? No, we do not work like this. We are professional architects with lots of experience in the design of houses, and we prefer to give our full attention to a project once we are appointed. We believe that the best way to select an architect is to look at the quality of his prior work. 31. Can we get more help from your organization in building the house? Are you familiar with the building regulations and codes in our town or city? Who will obtain the permissions to build? Since we have worked on projects in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Assam, and Delhi, we are familiar with the basic regulations in a number of places across India. We base our designs on the National Building Code of India 2005. However we do not undertake the process of obtaining building permissions. You will require the help of a local permissions agent for this. 32. Can we share some of our design ideas with you? We usually request our clients to share some ideas or images of houses they like and some they do not like. This helps us understand your personal choices and dreams for the house. 33. Can you provide a design which uses local building materials? The common construction technique used in India is of a reinforced concrete (RCC) frame structure with brick infill walls. Windows are normally made of float glass and either wood or aluminium, and doors are usually wooden flush shutters. Other than this we also do designs which use engineered earth, or mud. These are in the form of Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CSEB), a brick made of earth that is carefully selected and mixed with a bit of water and cement, and then compressed in a press. These are water cured and not fired likc conventional bricks, so they are very environment friendly. If properly done, they are as durable as conventional construction. Another technique that makes use of earth is rammed earth construction. To make a wall of rammed earth, one first makes a wooden mould in the correct location of the wall. One then pours a mixture of earth, water and cement into the mould and uses a rammer to compress the mixture into a 10-cm high layer. Successive layers are added until the desired height is reached These techniques are not yet widely used, but we believe they hold a lot of potential for low-cost environment-friendly construction in India. It is essential that the earth be very carefully selected and tested, as not any earth can be used. These techniques have been developed, tested, and extensively used. 34. Can your designs be adaptable for use outside Indian subcontinent like Sri Lanka, Australia, etc? Yes, our designs can be used for places other than the Indian Sub-Continent. We can change drawings to incorporate other construction systems and climates. Many of our designs are on sale (through other gateways) in the USA and Canada. 35. Is it possible for us to meet you before we sign a design contract with you?

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About Make My House



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Architecture & Planning



Indore G.P.O.


Madhya Pradesh



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