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MandASoft is brought to you by the same Berkery Noyes IT & Research team that has covered the convergence of information related industries since the late 90's, and is based on Berkery NoyesInformation Industry Weekly report, an immensely popular resource for mergers and acquisitions data to many of the top executives of companies that have been shaping the future of information as we know it. Although anyone interested in M&A would find to be highly useful, this service is geared towards a C-level executive who wants to quickly find and review information industry transactions and companies with an eye toward finding a match for their own products & services. We know there are many places you could do your M&A research; however we at Berkery Noyes believe that the experience stands above the rest, and provides a unique information resource that can help you shape the future of your business. This information is worth monitoring for several reasons: Seeing relevant M&A activity can indicate a shifting landscape. Smaller competitors growing through acquisition or larger entities entering the market through the acquisition of a competitor has the potential to dynamically change the outlook for your markets. Knowing if a competitor has purchased a new product or service could provide direction for your own business. Small companies making transactions may prove to be good acquisition candidates for your company. When disclosed, seeing current transaction multiples within a segment can provide insight into the value of your own business. © 2018, MandASoft Inc. All rights reserved.

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