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Manorcourt Care

Manorcourt Care

We recognise that our care staff are key in ensuring you receive the best standards of service so we make sure that they are fully trained and continue to be supported whilst they work for us. All our care staff receive comprehensive induction training and then have regular updated training to make sure that they are carrying out their duties in compliance with any legislation, the standards set by the Care Quality Commission and those set by the Local Council. Manorcourt Care also has a comprehensive set of service standards which we expect all staff to follow in their daily work. All staff are checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service and meet all the competency standards required, specified by the Care Quality Commission as well as standards set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2008. Manorcourt Care has also been reaccredited with the Investors in People award. All care staff receive one to one supervisions, annual appraisals and are also subject to unannounced spot visits in people's homes, where experienced staff observe how well the member of staff is carrying out their duties. We also send out annual quality surveys to our customers which enables any comments to be made about the quality and standards of service received. Following review of responses received, correspondence is sent to our customers detailing any areas of improvements planned. Our Regional Managers also undertake unannounced quality audits of all the branch offices at least once a year. This is to ensure each branch is offering the best standards of care. As part of this audit our Managers visit people using our service in their own homes to listen to how the service is being delivered and is meeting people's expectations. At the time of writing, we are very pleased to inform you that all our registered branches are 100% compliant with the standards set by, and inspected on, the Care Quality Commission. Our belief is that you should never be afraid to speak out and raise concerns. If you do, you will be met by people that listen and people that are interested in resolving issues to your level of satisfaction. The quality of service we provide to you is at the heart of what we do.

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About Manorcourt Care

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Borough of Thurrock


United Kingdom

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