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Marisa Peer School

Marisa Peer School

Marisa Peer's 5 best healthy foods to help the body increase serotonin: Coriander Bananas Eggs Avocados Turkey You can easily find a way of incorporating those five foods into your diet easily and cheaply and there are other healthy ways to increase serotonin production too. 5 other ways to naturally increase serotonin: Get outside in natural daylight every day, especially in the winter, as sunlight helps us make serotonin. Chew food slowly to trigger serotonin and control appetite. Take vitamins including B complex supplements to maintain brain function. Don't eat junk food, white flour and sugar as they disrupt your serotonin levels, causing rapid spikes and drops, which increase cravings. Limit your consumption of aspartame, the artificial sweetener used in diet drinks and low-fat snack foods, as this can slow down serotonin production. Powerful emotional needs: drinking also fulfils an emotional need. Marisa has taught millions of people that the common denominator of nearly all issues is not believing I Am Enough . When we don't feel good enough, we can try to fill the inner feelings of lack with self-sabotaging, destructive behaviors. However, once we understand that the void only exists in our own mind, then we have the power to change it forever. Drinking alcohol is often used as a way to suppress feelings of emptiness and that something is missing in our lives. It has been proven that one of the major factors causing alcoholism is the feeling of not belonging. One of the successes of AA is that it allows addicts to feel a sense of connection and belonging to a shared community. In her latest offering, I AM ENOUGH, Marisa observes that humans come onto the planet with two powerful emotional needs: To seek connection. To avoid rejection. Marisa says: 'Feeling disconnected or rejected can lead to all sorts of issues. It can manifest as a fear of intimacy, an inflated ego, or an addiction to eating, alcohol or drugs. It doesn't matter where the rejection or lack of connection comes from, it almost always leads to a person who feels as though certain things in life will never be available to them. Many modern-day ailments are a function of humans trying to fill the resulting emptiness or gap that they feel. I always come back to this fundamental truth: more than anything else we need connection and to avoid rejection. It really is that simple, because that truth is so powerful and part of its strength is its simplicity'. It's your choice: enjoy it! Whatever changes you decide to make, make sure you link pleasure to them. If you give up alcohol to improve your health, but resent doing it, your mind will link pain and denial to not drinking. You may feel deprived, which can actually lead to craving something even more. Marisa talks about this in Perfect Weight Forever , and why most diets don't work as they focus on denying yourself the things you associate with pleasure. Instead, know that you are making life-enhancing choices and are feeling great and proud of your new healthier lifestyle. Enjoy the feeling of empowerment. Make a point of linking massive pleasure to the changes you are implementing. Enjoy having a clear head with fresh energy and enthusiasm, instead of feeling sick, lethargic with a stinking hangover. Enjoy spending quality time and the money you save from alcohol on things that are important to you and your family. Know that you have a choice and you are able to choose how you feel, so choose to feel amazing everyday. What's stopping you? "I want something but it's not available to me". So many people long to be free of their issues, but have a fixed belief as to why the solution is not available to them, which becomes their biggest blocker to success. For example: " I am desperate to stop drinking, but I have the gene just like my Dad". Limiting fixed beliefs may have blocked you from achieving the solution you seek, but a solution is always available to you. Awareness is the first step to success. The minute you begin to question a belief you are holding onto - you begin to doubt it. When you doubt it, you start to dissolve the hold it has over you. Change your beliefs and you can change your life. Alcohol ages your body: In You Can Be Younger , Marisa states: "One of the reasons alcohol is so ageing is because while you are drinking alcohol you will temporarily suppress the production of growth hormones which keep your cells vigorous and active. Drinking too frequently may have a very detrimental effect on the production of growth hormones, as blood levels of growth hormones fall after every drinking bout. Heavy drinking also causes a dramatic increase of free radicals in our bodies and is very damaging to the skin. It can lead to blotchiness, broken veins, enlarged pores, puffiness, decreased skin tone, thin, stressed, tired skin and Rhinophyma a condition that causes the nose to become larger and redder. Alcohol can also disrupt periods and contribute to early menopause. Alcohol can increase oestrogen levels by 20 to 30% during mid-cycle. Alcohol dramatically ages the skin and lowers our bone mass which can lead to osteoporosis. As we age our bodies are less and less able to deal with alcohol." It is recommended that we all try to have at least 2-3 alcohol free days each week, to allow our body the time it needs to repair itself. "What do you want to drink, baby?" At the other end of the scale, in Marisa's book, Trying to Get Pregnant , she talks about the effects of alcohol on the body. It is well known that women should refrain from drinking when pregnant and trying to conceive, but it's less known that this also applies to men. 'Excessive alcohol can have a toxic effect on sperm and will lower the sperm count, while the hops in beer and lager contain plant oestrogens, which can also trigger infertility in men. The breakdown product of alcohol in the body is acetaldehyde, which is toxic to sperm. Stopping, or cutting down on drinking, preconception, is important for both men and women. Alcohol interferes with the secretion of testosterone and speeds up the conversion of testosterone into oestrogen'. In summary, relying on alcohol to relax or have a good time can actually mean you are self-medicating to sedate or elevate mood. People can sometimes use alcohol to fill a void of inner emptiness, when we don't feel good enough or are disconnected and feel that there's something missing in our lives. However, when we realise that transforming our lives is an inside job, we don't need to reach for external substances to fill us up, as we can do it from the inside. Hopefully you will have found this article has introduced some ideas and resources to transform negative beliefs and behaviours into more positive healthy habits. Cutting down or stopping drinking alcohol can improve mood, energy levels, body image and quality of life. You now know how you can change your beliefs to change your life. If you would like more support, Rapid Transformational Therapy can tackle alcohol issues by retraining the mind to think differently about alcohol. Hypnotherapy commands the subconscious to remove behavioural tendencies to seek alcohol, replacing them with a neutral, disinterested representation of alcohol, alongside positive associations of what you want instead. This powerful technique can turn an alcoholic into someone who thinks nothing of alcohol, even if surrounded by other people drinking. Stop Drinking easily or enjoy Selective And Moderate Drinking with these potentially life-changing resources: Recent Posts

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