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Matawan Lodge No. 192

Matawan Lodge No. 192

The first regular communication of Matawan Lodge No. 192 was held on Friday evening February 18, 1910, at 192 Main Street, Matawan. Lodge was convened by the Most Worshipful Grand Master J. Clarence Conover, who presented Matawan Lodge with a dispensation empowering the Lodge to operate and function as a Masonic body until such time it was constituted. The Lodge was granted a warrant on April 21, 1910. An emergent communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of New Jersey was called on the evening of May 6, 1910 at the same address as above, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Alton H. Sherman for the purpose of constituting Matawan Lodge No. 192 and installing officers. After due ceremonies, a full slate of officers was installed with Theodore H. Sickles as Worshipful Master. Our Lodge has convened for the past 100 years in the same building, located at 192 Main Street, Matawan. Although coincidental, it is interesting to note that both the Lodge and street numbers are the same. Included among our notable members was one U.S. Congressman, William H. Sutphin, who was also a charter member. During the past 100 years, we have been honored with several appointments to the Grand Staff. Living members who have served are R.W. James Kudrick, Past Senior Grand Deacon; R.W. Leonard E. Stokes, Past Grand Pursuivant; R.W. Walter C. Davis, Past Grand Chaplain; and R.W. Charles R. Watson, Past Grand Sword Bearer. Matawan Masonic Temple

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About Matawan Lodge No. 192








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