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We offer the following services that may be of interest to a wide range of engineering companies: Advertising to Engineers on MatWeb - Use supplier listings or banner ads to promote your company to the 24,000 engineers, scientists, machinists, and molders who use MatWeb each day...often as they are making materials or processing selections. We also have an extensive email list of engineers and other materials professionals available for occasional, targeted usage. Add, Update, or Correct Data Sheets - You can arrange to have data on your company's proprietary products added to MatWeb's database at no cost. Please alert us to any inaccuracies or missing information/data sheets. Database Licensing - You can have the power of MatWeb's search engine added to your web site as an online product selector or use it for your internal material data management at a fraction of the time and cost of doing it yourself. Web Design/Hosting - The MatWeb team can design, re-design, host, or promote your company's web site. We understand the materials business so you will not need to waste time educating your web designers. MatWeb was started in the mid-1990's by a group of engineers who needed a comprehensive database with material properties at their fingertips, so that they could avoid time consuming searches through volumes of technical articles and books or waiting for faxes or phone calls to be returned. This small group of engineers has grown to Automation Creations. MatWeb, LLC was spun off from Automation Creations in 2011 to focus solely on the engineering materials database business. Please feel free to call us at (540) 552-5300 or use our contact form with any questions or comments about the web site or other services that we offer.

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United States

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