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Melfort Village

Melfort Village

Melfort Village is owned and managed by The Melfort Club, being the association of Melfort timeshare owners, which was formed in 1983. Each timeshare owner has a direct say in the way the Village is run, through a professionally qualified Committee elected from the membership. Although all original timeshare cottages were fully sold-out by the end of 1995 and no further development is planned, The Melfort Club offers a successful Re-Sale Programme. We have many members of long standing who enjoy their holidays with us every year and who look upon Melfort Village as their "second home". Others enjoy the benefits of Melfort's high value with the exchange companies (being an RCI Gold Crown Resort and a much sought after Dial-an-Exchange destination). We also operate a rental programme which further enhances members' options for use. There are a total of 1,600 timeshare weeks and about 1,200 members, as some own multiple weeks. Ownership is in perpetuity which means it is classed as heritable property. This also means that you are a member of The Melfort Club until such time as you sell or transfer your ownership. The Melfort Club is run by a small Committee of six elected members. Each member serves for a three year term and retires on rotation. Any member can put their name forward to become a Committee member and elections are held at the AGM which is usually held in April of each year. The maintenance fees are set by our Committee annually and typically, there is an increase every year roughly in line with inflation (although the actual figure is more dependent on the projected running costs for the year ahead). You also pay for the electricity costs for your week's holiday (although if it is rented or exchanged then it is paid by the guests), fuel for fires and stoves, and pet charges.

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About Melfort Village



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Argyll and Bute


United Kingdom

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